Class SampleApproval
- Namespace
- Skyware.Lis.EventsModel.Instruments
- Assembly
- Skyware.Lis.EventsModel.dll
Occurs when multiple test results are approved and sent to LIS.
public class SampleApproval : BaseMessage
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
This event is usually emitted from the Broker processor, which handles ResultApproval and combines many single approvals into composite one (with some time delay) to avoid many database (or other) interactions in case of massive approval.
Default address where message should be send.
public override string DefaultAddress { get; }
Property Value
Results of the sample grouped by an instrument.
public IEnumerable<InstrumentResults> Results { get; set; }
Property Value
Sample being tested and approved.
public Sample Sample { get; set; }
Property Value
Note that in this context this is a common sample, not the one specific to the instrument, therefore instrument specific data, such as Rack number, Rack position etc. may not be available event different instruments provide such information, if approved results for given sample are received from different instruments.